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                             8.1 Menus

     Each function and menu of the Mailer will now be described.

         8.1.1 Programs <Alt-P>

         Message Editor  Loads FM.

         Terminal        Loads the Terminal (it resides in FD overlay
                         file, FD.OVR).
         Configure       Loads the FDSETUP program.

         Nodelist        Loads the nodelist compiler (FDNC).

         User keys       Allows you to select one of the 20(24) user
                         definable functions.

         DOS shell       Invokes a temporary DOS shell. Type EXIT and
                         press <Enter> to return to FD.

                         Packets created with any of the temporary
                         mail services function (File Request,
                         Transmit file, Send mail) will be discarded
                         when you return and FD will re-scan the
                         contents of the NetMail folder.

         Quit            Returns you to DOS. FD will return errorlevel
                         10 (user break).

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